The latest advance for non-surgical and non-invasive skin tightening and uplifting treatment by using Intense focused ultrasound energy IFUS. Ultrasound energy can penetrate deeper than lasers and radio-frequency energy.

What is SMAS?

SMAS – Superficial Muscular Aponeurotic System 

A layer of tissue which is connecting superficial fat layer and skin to underlying muscle layer

Intense focused ultrasound energy (IFUS)is delivered to the targeted areas, including dermis, SMAS and platysma muscles, without causing damage to skin surface. IFUS  is delivered to the level of SMAS in a fractionated pattern and creates micro-thermal coagulation zones at optimal temperature ~ 65oC for new collagen production. It tightens and uplift the skin, improving wrinkles and the visible signs of aging.  

Expected Results

* Clinical study showed 77% improvement in nasolabial fold and 73% in jawlines after single treatment of IFUS.

After one treatment, the collagen regrown is activated. Face lifting effect becoming more obvious in the following three months, while, skin texture will keep improving in the following six months after treatment. Your skin become more firming, bright and rejuvenated.

If few more treatments are taken, the result will stay longer, more obvious and natural. Ultraskin treatment becomes a must for your skin anti-aging program. 


  • Face Lifting (Cheek, Lower Eyelid Bags)
  • Double chin
  • Pore Treatment
  • Tightening
  • Jowl line
  • Wrinkle (Eye, Fine Wrinkles)


1. Visual lifting effect without surgery

2. Improvement from SMAS layer

3. Safe treatment

4. No hyperpigmentation

5. No down time

For more details, Please call to our office +852 2530 0866

* Dermatol Surg 2011; 37:1-8